The bumbling yet sharp lawyer who comes to Mohammad Azharuddin’s rescue in the movie ‘Azhar’ was brilliantly played by Kunaal Roy Kapoor with an interesting semi-bald makeover. The real man is none other than senior lawyer K.Ramakanth Reddy.
Both Ramakanth Reddy and Azhar went to All Saints School in Hyderabad and later in Nizam College. Though Reddy and Azhar were not close friends in their school and college days, they had mutual respect for each other. Their friendship became solid when Azhar reached out to him to bail out through the match-fixing allegation and the life-time ban slapped on him by the ICC and BCCI.
Ramakanth Reddy was not really gung-ho about taking up Azhar’s case because he had to be with his mother’s side who was being treated for cancer. He even asked Azhar to look for a better advocate to represent him. But Azhar had faith in his friend. And so did Ramakanth’s mother who was adamant that her son fight Azhar’s case. On her ‘order’, he decided to defend Azhar.
Ramakanth told his friend Azharuddin that he did not guarantee that he would win the case for him, but he would make a solid case to represent his friend. He toiled day and night and carefully prepared all the papers and documentation that would help Azhar. When Azhar was finally acquitted of match-fixing charges in 2012, Ramakanth Reddy called his mother to inform her of the good news. He said that though his mother would need assistance to get up, on that day, she got up instantly and excitedly watched the news on TV. Reddy says, “Azhar definitely had my mother’s blessings.”
Ace actor Kunaal Roy Kapoor went through a makeover to get the balding pate and the personality to the ace lawyer, and needless to say, the actor did a good job.
Nice movie n Kinsley kapoor is amazing wow