Shah Rukh Khan’s father-in-law, Colonel Ramesh Chandra Chibber, passed away in Escorts Hospital, in New Delhi on March 1, 2016 ( 8.55 PM). Gauri Khan’s father was known to be especially close to his famous son-in-law. SRK put all assignments on hold and rushed to New Delhi to be to be by his wife’s side.
SRK had said that when he was dating Gauri, he was in for a tall order – she came from a Defense background who did not think much of a movie actor and he was from another religion too. But despite all of this, SRK decided to be patient and wait for Gauri, he even went on to win the hearts of everyone in the family. Throughout the year, Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri’s father stuck good friendship and were known to be in touch with each other. Our condolences to Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan.