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Know Neeraj Madhav Better!

Neeraj Madhav is an actor, dancer, writer, and choreographer who mainly works in Malayalam films. After making his acting debut in 2013, he went on to do supporting and lead roles in many Malayalam movies. In 2019, Madhav made his debut in …

Will the Real Anand Kumar please stand up?

Anand Kumar is a teacher, mathematician, and educationalist. He is most famous for being the founder of the ‘Super 30’ program. This program provides coaching and other assistance to poor kids for the IIT-JEE entrance exam. Additionally, he is a column writer …

Pranutan Bahl – Know her Better!

Pranutan is the daughter of Bollywood actor Mohnish Bahl and former actress Ekta Sohni. She will be making her debut as an actress in a Salman Khan produced film. The movie has been tentatively titled ‘The Notebook.’ It stars Zaheer Iqbal as …

Ananya Pandey – Know her Better!

Ananya Panday is an upcoming Indian film actress. She will make her Bollywood acting debut with the film ‘Student of the Year 2’, abbreviated as SOTY2. The film also stars Tiger Shroff and Tara Sutaria. The movie is produced by Karan Johar …

Tara Sutaria – Know her Better

Tara Sutaria is an Indian film and TV actress, dancer, and singer. She began her professional career in 2010 at Disney India as a video jockey. She became famous after her appearances in different sitcoms like Oye Jassie and The Suite Life …
Tabu – Upcoming Movies (2019)

Tabu – Upcoming Movies (2019)

One of the most delightful actresses of the past decades, Tabu had a very good year in 2018. She had two releases ‘Missing’ and the sleeper superhit ‘Andhadhun’. Missing was a psychological thriller which starred Tabu in the role of a frightened …