Ruhi Singh is a renowned actress and model for her role in the latest upcoming Bollywood movie “Calender Girls”. She was born at Jaipur in Rajasthan in the year 1992. Ruhi completed her early studies and graduation at Jaipur. Ruhi is not a trained singer, but she is known to be a gifted singer, with a special talent in rapping.
The 5 feet 7 inch Ruhi, was selected among the top 20 finalists for Miss India during years 2011 and 2012. For both these contests, she bagged the title of Miss Universal for Peace and Humanity. The entertainment world took note of her and work began pouring in.
Ruhi felt overjoyed when her favorite director Madhur Bhandarkar saw her in a documentary movie “The World before Her” in which she had acted well. He selected her as one of the five protagonist girls for “Calender Girls”. In this movie, Ruhi h played the role of Mayuri Chohan from Rohtak town.
It is interesting to note that Ruhi Singh and her family have been ardent fans of Bollywood director Madhur Bhadarkar, especially Page 3 and Fashion.
Ruhi Singh – Pictures